I suffer with thrush. My diabetes has been well controlled for ten years now. I do regular blood tests and most of them are less than 10 mmol/L and, whenever I check a urine test, it is always negative. I have been taking the oral contraceptive pill for three years and I understand that both diabetes and the Pill can lead to thrush. Can you advise me what to do?
Since your diabetes is well controlled and your urine consistently free from glucose, diabetes can probably be ruled out as a cause of the thrush. It sounds as if you are either being reinfected by your partner or alternatively it is an uncommon side effect of the Pill, and you should discuss the need for a change of contraception with your doctor.
I keep getting recurrence of vaginal thrush and my doctor says that, as I have diabetes, there is nothing that I can do about this – is this correct?
Thrush is due to an infection with a yeast (Candida) that thrives in the presence of a lot of glucose. If your diabetes is badly controlled and you are passing a lot of glucose in your urine, you will be very susceptible to vaginal thrush and, however much ointment and cream you use, it is likely to recur. The best treatment is to control your diabetes so well that there is no glucose in your urine, but if the thrush persists, you will need antifungal treatment from your doctor. If you keep your urine free from glucose, you should stay free from further thrush infections.
I want to try and avoid osteoporosis by taking HRT. As I have diabetes, is this sensible?
HRT is the most effective treatment for the prevention of osteoporosis but because of the problems mentioned in the previous question, some doctors are cautious about recommending it as a first choice. The decision depends on your individual risk of developing osteoporosis. If you have a high risk, you may choose to take HRT and accept the small chance of unwanted complications; if your risk is low, you may prefer to try an alternative, which may be less effective but lessen your chances of complications. Please speak to your doctor about this. You should, of course, take general measures such as ensuring adequate calcium in your diet and taking regular weight-bearing exercise.
Are the patch forms of HRT as suitable for women with diabetes as the tablets in GlobalCanadianPharmacy viagra?
There is no known difference between tablets and patches; all the answers to the questions above apply equally to patches.
Can you tell me if hormone replacement therapy for the menopause is suitable for women with diabetes?
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for the menopause consists of small doses of oestrogen and progesterone given to replace the hormones normally produced by the ovaries. Oestrogen levels in the blood begin to fall at the menopause and, if this happens rapidly, it can cause unpleasant symptoms, such as hot flushes. Replacement therapy is designed to allow a more gradual decline in the female hormones. There has been a lot of publicity about the adverse effects of HRT in the last few years and there is some evidence to suggest an increased risk of breast cancer, thrombosis and stroke. However, these risks have to be balanced against the benefits of HRT.
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