Archive for October, 2014

Never leave your larynx to go through sudden conditions – from cold to hot and vice versa. Sour and spicy foods spoil your voice. Eat sweet foods for good voice.  People and Their Environment

For a disciple, physical, mental, and spiritual work must be equally sacred.

For a saint 1 hour is determined for physical work, 3 hours – for the heart and 7 hours – mental work. And some of you do not work. And now, due to idleness, deformation in the organisms starts. You begin to feel pain in the head, the stomach, the legs, the arms. It is good to have a garden, where to work for at least one hour to get rid of the useless energy. You will dig with a hoe if you want to be healthy. There are negative energies, which have to enter in the earth Australian viagra and cialis online.

Overeating in the physical, spiritual, or mental worlds, leads to surfeit. It is not allowed surfeit in work, either. Surfeit also leads to numerous painful diseases.

You need healthy food, no drinks or syrups, but only clean water, healthy clothes, homes with large windows, abundance of light, and at least two hours of physical work every day. The oils and pans shall be thrown away from your kitchen. It is a sin a woman to cook for 4-5 hours! What a culture is that? One hour is well enough for the preparation of the food, and the rest of the time shall be spent for spiritual work: reading, music, art and everything that can raise and ennoble the heart and soul.

Soap is not necessary for people. Once a month it is enough for one to wash with soap. The face has the ability to wash by itself. Electricity and magnetism flow out from each cell and pore of the body, which wash both the face and the whole body.

Modern people began to suffer with not-coming-out to a walk in the open air. We live like prisoners. Do you think that a building of 4-5 floors or 10 is healthy?

If someone lives for a long time in the mountain, he will gain something for sure or lose much. He will become wild and rougher. If he lives for a long time in the valley is not good, either. There shall be changes. There shall be coming up and down.

When you are on a walk in the mountain, go slowly, calmly, without haste. Stop at every one hundred meters for a short break of about 30 seconds per foot. The higher you climb, the slower you shall go. In this way you will adjust to the powers of Nature and you will use them wisely. – cheap viagra pharmacy. Sildenafil citrate australia online.

Throw away the black glasses from your eyes! One has to look right through his eyes, clearly, without obstructions. The soul is open and free to enjoy everything.

Behind each flower, there is a rational being stays, due to which it is not allowed they to be picked. It is allowed in an extreme case for remedy after the permission of the rational being.

Nasal patency is predominantly controlled by changes in the capacitance vessels. Nasal airway resistance is responsible for approximately two thirds of the total airway resistance. Primary sites of nasal obstruction to airflow include the nasal vestibule, the nasal valves, and the nasal turbinates (Fig 1). Nasal Resistance

The nasal valve, the location of minimal crosssectional area of the nares, contributes most to total nasal resistance (NR). The entire nasal valve area resembles an inverted cone. It is bounded by the nasal septum medially, posterior end of the upper lateral cartilage, piriform aperture (lateral fibrofatty tissue, frontal process of the maxilla, floor of the nose), and the anterior head of the inferior turbinate posteriorly. This functional complex of compliant and dynamic tissues covers a distance of several millimeters. The valve lumen is regulated by lateral and medial erectile mucosa, modulated laterally by the tone of alar muscles, and stabilized by bone and cartilage. Septal erectile tissue, although not readily recognizable endoscopically, is clearly demonstrated by CT and histologically in cadaver studies.

NR is greatest during infancy, decreases with age, and is primarily controlled by vascular engorgement in the middle and inferior turbinates. Exercise increases sympathetic discharge, which vasocon-stricts the nasal capacitance vessels thereby decreasing nasal airflow resistance. Similarly, sympathomimetic medications Canadian pharmacy viagra, such as oxymetazoline, decrease nasal congestion via topical vasoconstriction.

The physiologic variation in nasal patency, known as the nasal cycle, is mediated by changes in the engorgement of the submucosal capacitance vessels in the middle and lower turbinates. The magnitude of NR alternates between the two nasal cavities every 2 to 4 h in 60 to 70% of healthy individuals. Posture also influences the degree of vascular congestion. Nasal obstruction increases bilaterally as a subject assumes the supine position, and increases in the dependent nasal passage in the lateral recumbent position. This may have implications in the development of SDB in susceptible individuals.

Our findings regarding overall LOS and cost are similar to a representative sample of US patients with COPD. This fact confirms the external validity of the BAP-65 in its application for outcome studies. The data concerning overall costs, furthermore, document the substantial economic burden of AECOPDs generally and provide more current information than prior analyses of the economics related to AECOPD hospitalization.

Our analysis has several significant limitations. We used administrative data to identify patients with AECOPD. Administrative data may not be accurate buy Cialis Online for this purpose, particularly as no objective criteria truly define an AECOPD. Coding bias, therefore, may have affected our findings. However, our approach to identifying those with AECOPD has been used in other analyses of AECOPD outcomes. We strived to improve our diagnostic precision by restricting the population to patients > 40 years of age. This should minimize classification bias by excluding patients potentially with asthma rather than COPD. Alternatively, using a database approach afforded the opportunity to validate BAP-65 in a very large population. Similarly, the retrospective nature of our study provides a limited substantiation of BAP-65.

Formal use in a prospective cohort for validation would be optimal. However, many currently used risk tools in pulmonary medicine, such as the Pulmonary Embolism Severity Index score, have only recently been prospectively evaluated despite their increasing clinical acceptance. We additionally lacked information on certain measures used to gauge the severity of chronic COPD, such as lung function. We expressly attempted to develop and validate a risk system that only required information that was routinely available to frontline clinicians. Spirometric data, for example, are not often available to the physician in the ED, and patients with AECOPDs may be too ill to perform spirometry.

Their overall hospital mortality, 7%, was higher than what we noted in our population, perhaps reflecting the single-center nature of their study. In the report by Roche three factors predicted in-hospital mortality and included age, clinical signs of AECOPD severity, and baseline dyspnea as measured by the British Medical Research Council grade. Points were assigned based on the presence of these variables, and the overall score had moderate sensitivity and specificity: 74% and 68%, respectively. Although the score proposed by Roche appears moderately accurate, the BAP-65 appears better suited for clinical use. BAP-65 has been validated in a broader distribution of patients treated in a variety of hospital types (eg, academics vs community, large vs small). In addition, Roche failed to examine if and how their score predicts need for MV or any measures of resource use. Furthermore, their score is somewhat more cumbersome than BAP-65. The Roche algorithm requires that the clinician analyze multiple factors that represent “disease severity” into a separate variable. Clinicians are also unlikely to use the British Medical Research Council dyspnea grading scheme at bedside. This necessarily mandates going through added steps and making subjective, rather than objective, judgments regarding signs and symptoms. The components of the BAP-65 are essentially objective. This aspect of the BAP-65 underscores that it can be applied with consistency, reliability, and generalizability—all crucial aspects of any potential clinical tool.

The BAP-65 class significantly correlated with both LOS and cost, making the system potentially useful for economic risk stratification and benchmarking purposes.

Table 2—Sensitivity, Specificity, and Positive and Negative Predictive Values of BAP-65 for Pooled Mortality or MV


BAP-65 Class Cut-off No. Mortality or Use of MV No. (%) Sensitivity Specificity PPV NPV
II-V 28,886 3,768 (3.2) 0.967 0.184 0.130 0.978
III-V 18,842 3,462 (5.3) 0.889 0.500 0.184 0.973
IV-V 5,064 2,014 (10.3) 0.517 0.901 0.398 0.936
V 738 471 (16.5) 0.121 0.991 0.638 0.899
Total 34,669 3,895 (11.2)

MV = mechanical ventilation; NPV = negative predictive value; PPV = positive predictive value. See Table 1 legend for expansion of other abbreviation.

This exercise helps for regulating the nervous excitement, for calming the brain and strengthening of the memory. In the morning and before lunch breathe in through the left nostril and breathe out through the right one. In the evening breathe in through the right nostril, and breathe out through the left one. You will do exercises by 21 times a day: in the morning, before lunch and in the evening by 7 repetitions.

Breathing exercises of another nature. In these exercises there are certain thoughts, certain formulas, which have to be silently said. For example: while breathing in, holding the breath, and breathing out, you can say the following words: “Thank You, God, for the blessings that you have given me.” You can silently say: “Our Father” while breathing in, as well as while holding the air and breathing out. You can do such exercises in the morning, at noon and in the evening by 10 repetitions. You can also silently say: “The Good Prayer” – 1 time in total. You can silently say while breathing in the words: “power”, “life”, “health” (3 times). You will do the same while holding the breath and while breathing out. You can do this exercise in the morning, at noon and in the evening by 10 repetitions.

When you take in the air, you will silently say the word “life”, while holding the air, you will pronounce the word “power” and while you are breathing out, you will think on the word “health”. You will slowly, calmly breathe in, hold, and breathe out again slowly, while you are thinking on the above words.

Living energy, which is to refresh our organism, comes through the spine. The spinal cord has the quality to absorb prana from the air and transmit it to the whole organism. Write down the formulas that you can silently pronounce while breathing in, holding, and breathing out:

Breathing in: “Thank You, God, for the Divine life, which You have introduced in the air and which I take in together with the air.”

Retention: “This Divine life that I take in with the air penetrates in all my cells and spreads power, life and health everywhere.”

Breathing out: “This Divine life strengthens me and I show this out through my activity.” Under Divine life it is understood prana. You will vividly imagine how prana oozes from cell to cell, from organ to organ and spreads everywhere.

Breathing in: “Let God’s name be glorified in me.”

Retention: “Let the kingdom of God and His righteousness establish in me.”

Breathing out: “Let God’s will be done.”

Breathing in: “Thank You, God, for coming in me.”

Retention: “Thank You, God, for being in me.”

Breathing out: “Thank You, God, for leaving your blessing in me.”

Breathing exercise. You will breathe in through the left nostril. At that time the right one will be closed. While breathing in, you will silently pronounce the formula: “Only the love of God is love.” By holding the air for a while, you will open the right nostril and slowly breathe out by saying the same formula. At that time the left nostril will be closed. Do the exercise three times a day: in the morning, at noon and in the evening when you have time. At each exercise you will breathe in and out 3 or 10 times.

Exercise. Breathing in through the left nostril. During this time the words: “Let God’s name be glorified in me.” are silently pronounced. While holding the breath, the words: “Let the kingdom of God and His righteousness establish in me.” are pronounced. While breathing out, it is pronounced: “Let God’s will be done.” It shall be breathed in through the left nostril 5 times. Then the opposite – 5 times it shall be breathed in through the right nostril and breathed out through the left one.