Liver ailments include gallstones, jaundice, hepatitis and biliousness.
Gaze deeply into any romantic Frenchman’s eyes and ask him from whence spring his tend rest emotions and you will be disappointed when, breathing garlic and red wine lustily upon you, he admits to it being his liver rather than his heart. This is not surprising for without the proper functioning of this vital organ no self-respecting Frenchman can enjoy his food – that other basic fundamental of his life – and it is usually as a result of an excess in this area that the poor old liver does falter. Tradition has it that coffee, red wine, brandy and rich foods all contribute to a sluggish liver and the resulting queasiness and jaundiced outlook on life when we do not seem to be feeling at out best. That is the liverishness for which Mr. carter used to make his little liver pills.
Sensible suggestions for improving this state of affairs are numerous: cut out coffee and tea, eat more fruit and vegetables, drink plenty of soda water or sparkling mineral water (hence the popularity of Perrier in France), eat more garlic, take more exercise. The very nicest of them all is to enjoy a good laugh every morning when you rise from bed.
A Cleansing Approach
Fast for two days taking only many glasses of sparkling mineral water with the juice of ½ lemon squeezed into each. Pick a weekend or a time when you will be fairly inactive.
* Try a diet of grapes only for one day or more if necessary. They do cleanse the system wonderfully well.
* Take garlic capsules daily.
* When feeling really out of sorts drink only water and apple juice every two hours.
* Green cocktail, sunset slinger Take either of these by the wineglass daily. Alternatively mix together equal quantities of carrot, beetroot and celery juice.
* An excellent salad Prepare yourself a large plateful of beetroot, radish, dandelion leaves, chicory, fennel and artichoke.
* Apple cider vinegar or pure lemon juice Add 1 teaspoon to a small wineglass of warm water with a very little honey and take every three hours as needed. Good home remedy for liver care
* Dandelion and hops A tea made with equal parts of each is very therapeutic and drinkable. So are fennel, tansy, agrimonies and chamomile teas.
* Lettuce Brew up several good green lettuce leaves and drink daily.
* Angelica Chew angelica as a digestive – but not last thing at night or it could stop you sleeping.
If you’ve never had a baby before, the first new months of pregnancy can definitely take some getting used to. The problem isn’t weight gain or food cravings. The real problem is trying to get through an entire day without dashing for the bathroom. It’s called “morning sickness,” but your stomach doesn’t wear a watch. Morning, noon, or night – you can never be sure when your stomach is going to start feeling queasy.
Doctors aren’t sure what causes morning sickness or why it affects some women and not others, or some pregnancies and not others. Here’s what they do know. Morning sickness usually occurs between the sixth and thirteenth week of pregnancy, and it generally starts to settle down after that. It’s thought that changing levels of hormones or blood sugars are probably responsible.
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Morning sickness isn’t dangerous, and it is common (as though that makes you feel any better). But it can be dreadfully uncomfortable. Here are a few way to keep your stomach calm.
Keep crackers at your bedside. One of the best foods for beating morning sickness is unsalted crackers. Doctors often recommend that women who are expecting morning sickness eat crackers first thing in the morning and as often during the day as they wish. Putting food in your stomach will help keep it calm. Crackers are easy for the body to digest, making them the perfect “queasy food”. You may even want to keep the crackers right by your bedside to eat the minute you wake up; otherwise, by the time you get dressed it might be too late.
Pour a little ginger. Ginger has been used for ages for easing a variety of stomach troubles, and many doctors feel it’s an effective remedy for morning sickness. You can buy ginger tea at health food stores. Or take ginger supplements, which appear to work just as well.
Eat early and often. When your stomach is on edge, you don’t want to overburden it by eating too much all at once. Most women find that eating several small meals a day is more comfortable than having a few large ones.
Drink plenty of fluids. When you’ve been vomiting because of morning sickness, your body loses valuable fluids – and dehydration will make your stomach even more unsteady. It’s a good idea to drink as much water as you comfortably can – at least eight to twelve glasses a day, doctors say. If you’d like something with a little taste, juices and sports drinks also are good.
Have a frozen treat. Many women find that frozen fruit bars, the ones made with real juice, can hit the spot when nothing else wants to stay down. They’re slightly sweet, so they help replace sugars you may be losing if you’re vomiting. They’re also filled with water, so they can help satisfy your daily fluid needs.
Let your stomach be your guide. There are no hard and fast rules for choosing “comfort” foods. Some women do best with bland foods like rice and crackers, while others prefer salads, beans, or fresh vegetables. You’ll just have to experiment a bit to see which foods cause the fewest problems – and which you’ll want to avoid. As a rule, doctors say, you should avoid fried or very strong flavored foods, since they’re often hard to digest and are more likely to trigger morning sickness.
Get some fresh air. When you’ve been in a stuffy room and your stomach won’t hold still, getting a breath of fresh air can help calm things down. Just opening the window can help settle your stomach. Better yet, take a walk. Many doctor recommended mild exercise for all pregnant women, especially those with morning sickness.