Most people go through life without ever experiencing the problems caused by uveitis, but it is in fact an extremely serious condition which can lead to blindness. It is an inflammation of the eye, affecting the middle area which is known as the Uvea, and can include the iris and the choroid. Each of the different areas has a slightly different description, which helps the specialist to tailor treatments specifically to the condition. Because it affects this area, it can sometimes go unnoticed, until the patient starts having severe visual difficulties, and goes to the doctor. Although the general practitioner can assist with the diagnosis of uveitis, it will have to be treated by an ophthalmologist, and a clear treatment plan developed and adhered to.
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For those who suffer from uveitis, symptoms will include pain in the eye, often with itchy and swollen membranes of the eye. There could be blurred vision, or the sensation of floaters (objects moving down the surface of the eye). The eye itself can turn red, or even become cloudy, all of which suggest that these are symptoms of this illness, and not any other condition. There may also be additional production of tears from the ducts, caused by inflammation affecting this area. Over time, this condition can appear again and again, becoming a chronic, low-level problem. When this occurs, the blood vessels near the retina can be damaged, and visual problems become more severe.

Causes of uveitis can range from a systemic infection which has spread to the eyes, trauma to the eye, or exposure to chemicals which have entered the eye. Another common cause is an autoimmune disorder, and sufferers with this form of uveitis may have connected conditions such as Ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatoid or psoriatic arthritis, lyme disease, and some forms of lupus. There are many other types of autoimmune disorders which can cause this inflammation of the eye. Other people may never find out what is causing their illness.

The treatment of uveitis is usually started with a course of steroids. This is done in order to reduce the swelling and inflammation of the eye. This is usually applied first in order to limit the damage to the eye caused by the condition. Once this has begun, the patient can have more medication for the condition, and the application of compresses in order to encourage the reduction of swollen tissue. For more difficult types of inflammation, antimetabolite medication can be used, in order to decrease the production of cells attacking the eye, and in addition anti-inflammatory infusions can be prescribed for persistent swelling.

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