Archive for the ‘Treatment’ Category

A history of bleeding has been reported as a risk factor for subsequent bleeding, but this observation has not been consistent. A history of nonbleeding peptic ulcer disease, however, has not been associated with subsequent GI bleeding. Anticoagulant Treatment

Other comorbid diseases have been associated with bleeding during warfarin therapy; these include treated hypertension, cerebrovascular disease, ischemic stroke, serious heart disease, and renal insuf- ficiency. The presence of malignancy was a significant predictor of major bleeding in several stud-ies. In two of these studies, overanticoagulation was not the explanation for an increased risk of bleeding, whereas in one study, the severity of the cancer was identified as a risk factor. Another study did not confirm that malignancy predisposed to bleeding, while others excluded patients with malignancies.

Although many other patient characteristics have been associated with bleeding during warfarin therapy, the data supporting these findings are not compelling. For example, some studies noted an increased frequency of bleeding among women treated with warfarin, but others have not. Although most experienced clinicians believe that either alcoholism or liver disease increases the risk of bleeding during long-term warfarin therapy, two studies did not find such an association, whereas a large population-based study did.

Occult pathologic lesions may also precipitate warfarin-related bleeding. In one study, 73% of adequately evaluated patients with a prothrombin time ratio < 1.5 at the time of bleeding had an underlying pathologic lesion, compared to 16% of patients with a prothrombin time ratio > 1.5 (p < 0.05). However, pathologic lesions were found to be associated with GI or genitourinary bleeding in 30% of patients with prothrombin time ratio > 2.5.

Concomitant drugs

Concomitant use of aspirin has been associated with a higher frequency of bleeding, even in patients treated with warfarin therapy with a mean INR of 1.5. In a large randomized trial comparing the combination of low-dose warfarin therapy and aspirin, 80 mg/d, to aspirin, 160 mg/d, in patients with a history of myocardial infarction, the frequency of spontaneous major hemorrhage during the first year of therapy was increased to 1.4% in patients treated with 3 mg of warfarin (INR < 2.0) and aspirin, 80 mg/d, compared with 0.7% in patients treated with aspirin, 160 mg/d (p = 0.01). In a large trial of primary prevention in persons at high risk for ischemic heart disease, the rate of hemorrhagic stroke was 0.09%/yr in those treated with low-dose warfarin (target INR 1.5) plus aspirin, 75 mg/d, 0.01%/yr with low-dose warfarin alone, and 0.02%/yr with aspirin, and none in the placebo group.

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This exercise helps for regulating the nervous excitement, for calming the brain and strengthening of the memory. In the morning and before lunch breathe in through the left nostril and breathe out through the right one. In the evening breathe in through the right nostril, and breathe out through the left one. You will do exercises by 21 times a day: in the morning, before lunch and in the evening by 7 repetitions.

Breathing exercises of another nature. In these exercises there are certain thoughts, certain formulas, which have to be silently said. For example: while breathing in, holding the breath, and breathing out, you can say the following words: “Thank You, God, for the blessings that you have given me.” You can silently say: “Our Father” while breathing in, as well as while holding the air and breathing out. You can do such exercises in the morning, at noon and in the evening by 10 repetitions. You can also silently say: “The Good Prayer” – 1 time in total. You can silently say while breathing in the words: “power”, “life”, “health” (3 times). You will do the same while holding the breath and while breathing out. You can do this exercise in the morning, at noon and in the evening by 10 repetitions.

When you take in the air, you will silently say the word “life”, while holding the air, you will pronounce the word “power” and while you are breathing out, you will think on the word “health”. You will slowly, calmly breathe in, hold, and breathe out again slowly, while you are thinking on the above words.

Living energy, which is to refresh our organism, comes through the spine. The spinal cord has the quality to absorb prana from the air and transmit it to the whole organism. Write down the formulas that you can silently pronounce while breathing in, holding, and breathing out:

Breathing in: “Thank You, God, for the Divine life, which You have introduced in the air and which I take in together with the air.”

Retention: “This Divine life that I take in with the air penetrates in all my cells and spreads power, life and health everywhere.”

Breathing out: “This Divine life strengthens me and I show this out through my activity.” Under Divine life it is understood prana. You will vividly imagine how prana oozes from cell to cell, from organ to organ and spreads everywhere.

Breathing in: “Let God’s name be glorified in me.”

Retention: “Let the kingdom of God and His righteousness establish in me.”

Breathing out: “Let God’s will be done.”

Breathing in: “Thank You, God, for coming in me.”

Retention: “Thank You, God, for being in me.”

Breathing out: “Thank You, God, for leaving your blessing in me.”

Breathing exercise. You will breathe in through the left nostril. At that time the right one will be closed. While breathing in, you will silently pronounce the formula: “Only the love of God is love.” By holding the air for a while, you will open the right nostril and slowly breathe out by saying the same formula. At that time the left nostril will be closed. Do the exercise three times a day: in the morning, at noon and in the evening when you have time. At each exercise you will breathe in and out 3 or 10 times.

Exercise. Breathing in through the left nostril. During this time the words: “Let God’s name be glorified in me.” are silently pronounced. While holding the breath, the words: “Let the kingdom of God and His righteousness establish in me.” are pronounced. While breathing out, it is pronounced: “Let God’s will be done.” It shall be breathed in through the left nostril 5 times. Then the opposite – 5 times it shall be breathed in through the right nostril and breathed out through the left one.