There are several types of Candida Yeast Infections.
The infection can affect many parts of the body as well. If left untreated, an infection can spread throughout the body making it hard to treat.
Candida Yeast is present throughout the body and is used as food for bacteria in the body that helps in the digestive process of nutrients. A balance between the two is essential for good digestive health.
However, if the good bacteria (Acidophillus and Bifidus) or “flora” are depleted, the Candida (Candida Albicans) or “Yeast” begin to multiply rapidly and the start of a yeast infection is EMINENT.
We will be discussing the different types of yeast infections and how to identify them.
These types are:
- Epidermal (Skin)
- Oral
- Vaginal
- Thrush
- Intestinal
- Penile
If you have had one or more types of these infections before, you I am sure are aware that they can be tough to get rid of, especially if you are not aware of effective methods for the treatment of these infections.
First off, we will need to make sure that the proper diagnoses is performed.
If you have not had a Candida Yeast Infection before, if you believe you have one, consult your doctor. Symptoms are often similar to other types of infections and diseases and you need to be sure that a yeast infection is what you have.
In order to cure a Candida Yeast Infection, we will need to
find out the causes so that they can be avoided in order to take a
proactive approach in treatment.
Good Hygiene is essential. Infectious bacteria
can grow and spread easily in warm and moist spots of the human body
and are likely to reproduce if good hygiene is not practiced. Always wash with soap in genital areas and use a disinfectant mouthwash when brushing your teeth.
Bad hygiene has been linked to ALL types of candida overgrowth and
infections. Regardless of the type you may have, start with this if you
are not already doing so.
Unhealthy Diets are known to contribute to yeast infections.
The reason why is that immunity is lowered with unhealthy eating and
yeast can multiply and the flora are destroyed when a bad diet is
Antibiotics are known to destroy the flora as well. Also, if the
antibiotics are fighting other infections, immunity cannot be naturally
built up and the yeast have nothing to keep them from multiplying
Stress is also a known cause. Stress lowers immunity and all of the afore mentioned destruction of flora and multiplication of yeast occur.
The symptoms of a yeast infection differ depending on the type you have. Here are a few.
*Vaginal- vaginal discharge (yellow or white), odor, pain with urination, and cramps.
*Intestinal- bloating, cramping, abdominal pain, allergic reactions to foods that did not affect you before.
*Skin- rashes and itching
*Thrush And Oral- white patches in the mouth, sore throat, upset stomach.
*Penile- discharge of white or yellow from the penis, odor, abdominal pain and cramps.
Note: A yeast infections can be spread sexually just like an STD and often have the same symptoms. Make sure you consult a doctor for a proper diagnoses before considering treatment.
Once you have a solid diagnoses of your condition, you can begin to consider treatment.
It has been well documented for over twenty years in the medical community that Natural Treatment is the most effective approach being that it addresses the cause and eliminates it without the use of destructive antibiotics or medicated creams which only treat the affected areas.
Know that Candida Infections affect Men, Women, and Children alike.
Natural cures for your infection are available and safe for all.
If you have had a yeast infection before, note that the overgrowth of yeast may still be occurring within you without you knowing it.