Most people who suffer from Acid Reflux will particularly suffer at night, often causing them to have a lot of trouble sleeping and they are left feeling very uncomfortable.
Apart from the unpleasantness of the reflux symptoms, the effects of lost sleep over several nights can cause the sufferer to become very tired and totally miserable.
There are some steps you can take to help ease the night-time Acid Reflux and decrease the occurrence of the symptoms.
Take a look at your diet. There are certain types of foods that will trigger your acid reflux, these are likely to include spicy foods, very acidic foods, foods or drinks with a high sugar content. Consider moving to a healthier diet, this can help you to get a good nights sleep.
- Take your time when you eat, chew your food slowly and thoroughly.
- Drink herbal tea or water instead of sugary drinks.
- Keep the consumption of alcohol to a minimum Ensure that you don’t overeat either, it is better to eat 4 or 5 small meals during the day and avoid a large dinner at night Eat fresh papaya / pineapple / root ginger to aid digestion Do not eat within three hours of going to bed.
The main reason that you
experience reflux at night is because of your body laying down, where
during the day your body is largely upright. The contents
of the stomach will naturally go to the lower section of the stomach
when you are sitting or standing, this keeps them well away from the
junction of the stomach and esophagus. When you lay down the contents of
the stomach can very easily come into contact with the junction of the
stomach and esophagus and if the anti-reflux barrier is not functioning
correctly, reflux can occur.
Elevate your bed higher at the head end, the incline will naturally encourage the acid to stay the stomach.
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You can buy an adjustable bed, there are a number of motorized beds
available. These beds allow you to quickly and safely adjust the height
of the head of your bed, they are also great for watching TV in bed,
reading books or eating in bed.
A low cost alternative to an adjustable bed is simply to place a couple
of boards or bricks under the legs at the head of the bed, make sure
that the bed remains stable with movement on the bed. Ideally the bed
should be raised 4 to 6 inches.
Try using a thicker pillow or one that has been specifically designed
just for acid reflux reduction. The pillow needs to raise your entire
upper body, raising just your head will not be effective.
Research carried out has shown that lying on your left side while sleeping will also help to reduce the chances of Acid Reflux occurring, this is because of the junction between the esophagus and the stomach will be at the highest possible position.
If you regularly suffer from night time Acid Reflux then do something about it. Reflux is not hard to cure and you do not need to take antacids or other medication to cure it.