When you are having a feeling that the surrounding around you is moving, then this is the sign of vertigo. Positional vertigo is the most common form of vertigo. Also known as benign vertigo, it may occur with or without nausea. This disorder attack occurs mainly during early morning hours. Positional vertigo occurs when the person moves the head in different positions while doing any work.
This is the most common form and can hit people of any age group. But there is a high possibility that people in their sixties and seventies are more prone to this disease. Generally people feel this problem on the movement of their head. While tying their shoe laces, looking upward and downward people generally faces Vertigo.
Ignoring the symptoms of vertigo is not advisable. As the age increases the symptoms of vertigo attacks increases. Also known as benign positional vertigo, this is not life threatening but may give birth to a life threatening situation when you can suddenly fall causing serious injury.
There are various causes of positional vertigo. Dietary issues are one of the main reasons of this disorder. Other causes of benign vertigo are vestibular neuritis and meniere’s disease. Vestibular migraine also causes benign vertigo in people of higher age group.
Benign positional vertigo is caused by the movement of calcium crystals present in the ears. Basically muscles in the inner part of ears are responsible for the balance of the body. When the fluid inside the ears moves these crystals also moves thus causing this balancing disorder.
Some of the major symptoms of positional vertigo are nausea, dizziness, and vomiting. Light headiness and improper movement of eyes is another major symptom of benign vertigo.
Positional vertigo can be easily cured and lots of effective cures are present for benign vertigo. People prefer natural remedies to treat vertigo. But in advanced stages of vertigo we should consult our doctor and get the proper treatment otherwise vertigo may lead to migraine problem.
Some of the natural remedies for benign vertigo are Ginger, strawberries, amla, black pepper etc. Ginger helps in controlling the blood pressure. It soothes the flow of blood to our brain thus helping in fighting vertigo. Strawberry is very rich in vitamin C and this is very helpful in curing benign vertigo. Amla Is also a rich source of vitamin C. Amla mixed with black pepper powder when taken with water helps in effective cure of benign vertigo.
Drugs and surgery are other form of treatment which can be used to treat vertigo. Also always take drugs after consulting your doctor and never ignore any sign and symptom of benign positional vertigo.